Wreck Beach

Wreck Beach, Vancouver BC


Nearest City: Vancouver,
State/Province: British Columbia
Country: Canada


Our mandate is to preserve the Wreck beach, foreshore, beaches, and cliffs in as nearly a natural a state as possible while promoting the Naturist Lifestyle.
Located just 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver, Wreck Beach is easily accessible for visitors from over 150 countries and generates over $60 million in tourist revenue annually.

While the entire 7 km beach around to Point Grey from Acadia Beach to Booming Ground Creek is often referred to as Wreck Beach, the large sandy area on the north side of the North Arm Breakwater at the base of Trail 6 is what many think of when they talk about Wreck Beach. The trail is the most developed of the trails down the bluff and has about 500 wooden steps set into the soil. At the bottom of Trail 6 is the most popular portion of the beach, a stretch of sand between two artificial rock jetties constructed as breakwaters, lined by a row of licensed vendors selling imported clothing, jewelry, drinks, snacks, and other beach-related items. Other unlicensed vendors may be found wandering the beach selling alcoholic beverages and other more illicit cash crops of British Columbia.

Clothing is optional throughout Wreck Beach. Due to Wreck Beach’s proximity to the University of British Columbia, many students and some faculty and staff visit the beach. In recent years many beach users have objected, on both privacy and environmental grounds, to the University’s plans to construct new buildings close to the cliff edge and partially overlooking the beach.  http://www.wreckbeach.org/

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