AANR Online Meet & Greet Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Category: AANR in the News



Welcome to

 AANR Online Meet & Greet Thursday,

April 4th, 2024

Join our regular discussion groups that meet every first and third Thursday via Zoom at

     8 pm EDT, 7 pm CDT, 6 pm MDT, 5 pm PDT.

Meet Fellow nudists and get a chance to chat.

Contact invite@aanronline.com to sign up for instructions.

And then please add aanr-online@googlegroups.com to your contacts so that you won’t lose invites.

Things we chat about!


More information and help with using Zoom can be found at https://www.aanronline.com

Get AANR Swag at  https://www.zazzle.com/store/aanr_store/products?qs=online


First Timers – Read this, please!

When you request an invitation, you will be added to AANR-Online@googlegroups.com  This is an announcement-only address; please add it to your contacts.  Questions and comments should be sent to info@aanronline.com.  You should get a response about being added to the group within about 48 hours. If you don’t, please email info@aanronline.com. Zoom information will also be sent within 24 hours of the meeting.   If you don’t get a response about being on the invite list within about 48 hours, or you don’t receive Zoom info, please email info@aanronline.com, not the AANR office. Also, check whether the email has landed in your spam or trash folder.

We look for invite requests until a few minutes before our meetings begin. However, after that, we are very busy conducting the meeting and may not be able to get back to you until the meeting ends. Please be patient with us. This gathering is organized entirely by a few volunteers who aim to keep everything running smoothly. More information can be found at https://www.aanronline.com

Once on the Google group list, you don’t need to register each week and you will receive reminders for all Meet and Greet chats within 24 hours of each gathering. Only the volunteer leaders of this group will be able to see your email addresses. Your email addresses will never be shared. If you wish to opt out of receiving future messages from the group after the conference, simply send an email to AANR-.Online+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com

Or even just email info@aanronline.com. Please do not mark it as spam as this hurts everyone on the list.

What to Expect

These gatherings are clothing optional. However, the focus is primarily about having discussions, not about being seen or looking at others, so please point your cameras at your beautiful faces. Please sit so that your face and upper torso fills most of your screen, just like you would for any other Zoom meeting. When you are participating in any online meeting, the other participants have less opportunity to choose where they look, so it is up to you to help them see your face. Remember, when you are visiting a club, you look other members in the eye. If you point your cameras at your private parts and that is what is most readily visible, we will shut your camera off. This is not a venue for exhibitionism or voyeurism. If it was an accident, please talk to a moderator and all may be well. If not, stop it. It is not respectful.

We expect everyone to behave in a respectful manner. If you feel uncomfortable, it is likely that someone else is also feeling the same. So please talk to a moderator right away. We can’t resolve the issue after the meeting is over.

We believe nudist gatherings are wonderful places to raise children. Unfortunately, neither Zoom nor many of the legal entities across the country agree at this time. We don’t want to be shut down. So, please keep your minor children (under 18) from joining our online gatherings.

Some of our breakout rooms are restricted to provide safe spaces for these groups to have candid discussions. For example, on the first Thursday of the month, the WINR room is for women only. Whether you think you are non-threatening or that women shouldn’t feel threatened is irrelevant. For those who are genuinely interested in women’s issues or feel they have something to contribute, the third Thursday is open to all.

This group is managed on Google servers by AANR Volunteer Leadership. Please understand that AANR does not control the terms of service for Google Groups. Please review Google’s terms of service at https://policies.google.com/terms?hl=en