Image Courtesy: Cypress Cove
What an amazing accomplishment – 90 years, with AANR’s roots starting in 1931! At that time, most nudists were meeting behind closed doors. Many were being arrested for taking off their clothes in the same room. Through the years and with many wonderful nudists’ help, AANR has made progress.
AANR office staff members, along with thousands of volunteers, have been working to allow nudists the right to be nude where appropriate for the past 90 years. Many nudists may never have an issue related to being a nudist. However, many of their fellow nudists have not been as lucky.
Through many court battles and well-written legislation, fellow AANR members have acquired rights for all nudists. AANR will continue to work diligently on its members’ behalf. When meeting an AANR leader or volunteer, it’s always a great idea to thank them for the many tireless hours they have worked to secure these rights for all nudists.
By region, here is what AANR costs one member each day.
$0.126 per day or $46 a year
AANR-Florida and AANR-West
$0.121 per day or $44 a year
AANR-Midwest and AANR-Northwest
$0.132 per day or $48 a year
AANR-Western Canada and AANR-Southwest
$0.135 per day or $49 a year
Your continued membership will help AANR reach our 100th AANRversary in 2031. Hope to see you then.