AANR On Your Side
Advocate n. One who supports or defends a cause.
You’ll find the word Advocacy right at the start of AANR’s mission statement. Advocating for nudity within appropriate settings is among the greatest of reasons that AANR was founded and continues to grow.
While advocacy takes many forms, there are three significant roles that the Association performs:
Providing Help to Members and Clubs that Meets Individual Needs – With over 200 clubs and resorts throughout North America and over 213,000 thousand members served in the past two decades alone, the situations where AANR extends a lifeline vary considerably. It may be something as simple as a local newspaper that’s reluctant to accept advertising from a nudist club to complex litigation, even educating banks about lending to businesses that serve the nude market.
Members could be facing challenges from an employer who has learned what they enjoy during holidays or the parents of a school-aged child whose teacher begins asking awkward questions after learning the family visited a nude beach on vacation. In every case, people who need help are assured of speaking to a genuine person – often qualified in professional fields such as law or who can quickly put one in touch with such professionals. Hundreds of people and clubs have been helped through these efforts.
Monitoring – First, AANR uses a dedicated team of volunteers, staff, attorneys, and lobbyists to watch what is happening in the U.S. Capitol, Canada , within state legislatures, and local government. We combine their efforts with subscriptions to quality computer “sentries” such as StateNet, NetScan, Capitol Advantage, and Trend Trak to learn about initiatives that could impact the public’s responsible enjoyment of recreational nudity within clothes-free clubs and beaches; in the publishing field; and–most importantly–within one’s own home and backyard.
Taking Action – AANR and its regions coordinate responses to threats as well as leveraging opportunities for advocacy (such as organizing volunteers for beach cleanup projects or distributing information at events where lawmakers gather).
Contributions to the organization are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.