Counting our Blessings
Time to count our blessing following a year with many challenges to nudists. Our members and clubs in Florida suffered though hurricanes, winds and storm surges. Each time we face these events we call on each other for help and nudists always strive to help our fellow nudists, friends, and others in need.
We had our inaugural clothing drive, giving the shirts off our backs to those in need. This is another example of nudists meeting the needs of their communities. We are a generous group. We volunteer our time and efforts to others without thought of ourselves. It is this sense of community that helps your Government Affairs Team continue our efforts year after year.
With the new year we will again look at numerous bills and regulations that challenge our right to enjoy our nude time. We have already seen prefiling of bills in several states where we are checking to see if they will impact us. It never stops, it just slows down at various times throughout the year. The only constant is our vigilance to protect your rights.
I’m thankful for the many team members who participate in our bill reviews and participate in the monthly GAT Chats and in person when we need feet on the ground to argue for or against pending or proposed legislation.
I’m thankful for our members and our elected officers at AANR, for their support for the Bill Tracking Software and the lobbyist we employ to fight on specific issues. And for our members and regions that have contributed on specific calls to action like last year’s efforts in Wisconsin, Washington, and Hawaii. Our efforts in these three areas helped us defeat pending legislation and actions that would have deprived us of the right to be nude when protesting at World Naked Bike Rides, as well as sunning at a beach or public park.
As we roll into a new year let’s all give thanks for our family and friends who support our family-friendly nudist way of life.
-Tim Mullins
AANR Government Affairs Chair.