Posted: July 22, 2021

Life as an AANR Trustee
This is my last Across the Board column as an AANR club trustee. For the past six years, I have had the opportunity to be a part of a rewarding and challenging team of dedicated nudists, whose major focus has been to strengthen nudist rights and improve nudist experiences. Those years have flown by.
I have met and worked with so many members from the U.S. and Canada and had the opportunity to interact with members who are expats in England, Australia, and Thailand. Some of these contacts have resulted in cherished friendships. In my travels around the country and on cruise ships, mentioning AANR has always opened doors to questions and conversations that otherwise may not have happened.
On a textile cruise a few years ago, the show headliner – a very funny comedian – referred several times to “nudist colonies.” After the show, I approached him, introducing myself as an AANR Trustee, and engaged him in the “community vs. colony” conversation. I gave him my card and invited him to visit the AANR website. He was very respectful and agreed to do so. He also promised not to tell anyone about me. I laughed and told him to feel free to talk – I am an out-loud nudist.
There are several committees I have been involved with over the years, including Women in Nude Recreation (WINR), Strategic Planning, and Education and Research. Each committee I served on has afforded me the opportunity to work with and get to know others on the board and throughout the AANR sphere.
As chair of WINR, I have met and worked with some amazing nudist women. These women are strong, articulate supporters and proponents of AANR, who work tirelessly to make nudism comfortable and safe for all. WINR truly appreciates the men who work for the same purpose. I know that the work these women continue to do will enhance the nudist experience for all women.
In August, AANR begins a new board structure. The seven club trustees and seven member trustees will be replaced with seven regional trustees – one from each region. The three officer positions will remain the same. The membership voted to enact this change in the 2018 election to take effect with the 2020 election. The purpose of the change is to create a more cost-effective and efficient board.
With the change in board structure, AANR will need active involvement from more members. Please consider becoming involved with local club committees, regional boards, and AANR. Attending regional meetings, the AANR-Midwinter meeting, or Convention is not always possible. However, staying in contact with local officers and regional trustees is easy, and members can hear what happens at them.
Serving as a club trustee truly has been an enriching and adventurous opportunity for me, and I encourage everyone to get involved! I hope to see many of you at upcoming meetings.