Ahhh, Naked Gardening Day! I live on two acres, but my garden is in the front field. Consequently, I cannot nakedly garden in my area, but I do enjoy going out to Laguna del Sol and seeing their community garden. The chance to be outside naked in nature is what this nude living is all about!
I helped staff a booth at the California Parks and Recreation show (CPRS) a few weeks ago. That gave me a chance to talk about what we do to a cross-section of workers in the public recreation field. One of our best hopes for expanding nude recreation opportunities is to develop a positive working relationship with those working in the public sector. These workers can make nude use a reality in areas where we advocate for nude use. Getting them thinking about alternative events they can host to boost their revenue stream is part of our efforts.
I never miss a chance to talk about the successes Florida has seen from nude use. It was a surprise to some at CPRS to see nude beaches listed on the State of Florida website, https://www.visitflorida.com/beaches/faq/nude-beaches/. I argued for California to do the same. Instead of opposing our use, they should look at the economic impact welcoming nude use could bring to their bottom line. We had a parks district supervisor engage in a conversation on how they could market a nude event at a park where they know nude use is already common. That’s an exciting thought to hear from a Parks Administrator, and that is the change we want to encourage; nudity is not a problem other than how to market it.
So, this May let’s be thankful for those gardens where we can be nude, and make the effort to see where we can add some color to our homes and selves by getting outside.