BG Parkes AANR-Florida Trustee
Veteran’s Day, November 11 – this is a day near and dear to my heart. A day to say “Thank You” to the U.S. Military Veterans, and after 9/11, I am adding our Police and Fire for their honor and courage for giving up their lives at home to make ours better. For those still active, we miss you at home while you’re out giving the ultimate sacrifice for our FREEDOM!
We at Suwannee Valley Resort (SVR) have touched the lives of over 7,000 veterans in 10 ½ years. It has been an honor to have met them and heard their stories. Some have given or sent items that we proudly display in our lodge and Freedom Bar. We also proudly have an honor wall that pays tribute to all our flags.
This month I am asking you to join me in something. Honor AANR and Honor our Veterans by purchasing a wreath or even five wreaths. I have made arrangements with Wreaths Across America (WAA) to set up an account for AANR. For every wreath that you purchase, $5.00 will be sent to AANR. You have the great benefit of choosing which National Cemetery you want this wreath laid in. Just take out your phone while you are reading this, open the camera, point it at the QR Code below and click the link that will come up, and you can begin the process. Just think it is a win for AANR and a win to say thank you to those Veterans who served you.
The deadline for ordering wreaths is November 20, 2022. Please don’t wait and make a difference today. Also, if you have been interested in helping in your area, contact WAA, it is an experience like no other. I thank Bill Cocco for introducing me to this.
In closing, I truly understand that Veteran’s Day is for the living and Memorial Day is for those we will Never Forget!
I salute our Military, Police, and Fire this Veterans Day for all that you have done. Thank you, and God Bless You.