Ronna Krozy
Have you ever heard someone ask, “What do nudists do when it’s cold?” The answer is, “They put their clothes on!” However, there are many other things they can do. The change of seasons affects naturists differently. For some, this is the time to catch up on projects they have put aside. For others, as soon as the first chilly breeze hits them, they head to Florida, Arizona, California, the Caribbean, or Australia and New Zealand, whose summers are winter in the U.S. But many others embrace the cold and blend their nudist activities with winter events and sports. Scandinavian naturists report enjoying ice swimming, while ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding in the nude, wherever and whenever possible, constitute the agenda for some hardy nudists. Not surprisingly, a hot tub or sauna exists nearby to warm up before heading out again. There are diehard nudists, such as a dear friend, who would walk through the snow with a woolen hat, winter jacket and heavy boots… refusing to wear pants and proudly displaying his rosy cheeks. Or the jokers daring each other to make snow angels…both face up and face down. Sometimes, this adventurous spirit comes from a bit of distilled spirit! My husband, Alvaro Suescun, has rented a condo for a week’s skiing with nudist friends, affording the opportunity to go from completely bundled up on a mountain top to sharing an evening meal and socializing in the most natural way. Nudists who are lucky enough to be near a club with an indoor pool or to share one that is rented as some travel clubs do, can gather together for a winter swim in warm water while looking out at snowy surroundings. Other popular activities include nude yoga, dining in a nudist-friendly restaurant, a nude evening at a museum and nude bowling. Clubs located in cold climates who do close for the season often plan periodic events that coincide with holidays so that members and guests can socialize. These gatherings might include a dance, food, indoor games or outside activities like contests for the best snowman (and snowwoman!). Participating in charitable activities can happen all year-round, but having a clothing drive with donations of warm coats and other cold weather attire is especially appreciated for those in need who live in the colder regions. This is also a great way to demonstrate that nudists care and will really “give the clothes off their backs!” If a member or a club would like to see more nudist-friendly activities, especially in winter, reach out to different venues and explain the benefits of hosting a naturist event. This could prove economically worthwhile to all, a lot of fun and a great opportunity for positive publicity. Most importantly, nudism shouldn’t be viewed as seasonal. One can enjoy being clothes-free all year round by meeting at friends’ homes, at naturist events, or through special interest groups or events on Zoom. This will help maintain social relationships with like-minded people and even foster new friends and members. Or, folks can simply turn up their heat, drink a mug of steaming hot chocolate, and watch a funny movie that will keep you in stitches but without any stitches needed!