For Immediate Release


(Kissimmee, Florida - May 1, 2023)



KISSIMMEE, Fla. (Spring 2023) — Spring is finally in the air so, it’s time to remind you that Saturday, May 6, 2023 marks the 18th annual WORLD NAKED GARDENING DAY. A day when people across the globe are encouraged to tend their gardens, flower boxes, and yards clothed only as nature intended (though it’s okay to put on a smile, a hat and some gardening gloves too). Got a little plot of paradise fenced off at home?  Then discard your inhibitions and stretch your personal barriers by pulling weeds and cultivating your herb, vegetable, and flower garden with nothing between you and the sunshine but a bit of sunscreen.

Besides body acceptance and personal freedom, nude gardening is comfortable, saves on laundry, and makes for a quick personal clean up – just hose down.  Also, naked gardening is like dipping one’s toe in a combination Nakation/Staycation (a nude vacation at or near home).

American Association for Nude Recreation ( members know from experience there are things you should do to prepare for gardening naked.  Here are their tips to enhance your nude gardening experience:

  1. Apply sunscreen liberally;
  2. If you’re gardening at dawn or dusk, remember the bug repellant;
  3. Prune roses, bougainvillea and other thorny plants with caution;
  4. Don protective gardening gloves, hat, and sunglasses;
  5. Add to your comfort by kneeling or sitting on a towel-covered gardening mat;
  6. Appreciate the health benefits: Studies indicate your body needs at least 20 minutes a day of sunshine over at least 75% of your body to help prevent a vitamin D deficiency;
  7. Tell someone about your experience. It really doesn’t matter who you tell, but tell someone. Write about it in your journal; or post it to your Facebook account, then tweet it too. And of course, feel free to make World Naked Gardening Day an everyday event.

Oh, and coincidentally this year, Saturday, May 13th (the day before Mother’s Day) is also “BORN TO BE NUDE” Day, honoring how our moms brought us into the world. Commemorate both these events by shedding your clothes and stress at an AANR-affiliated club/resort/campground, designated nude beach, or in the privacy of one’s home or backyard. Lounge nude, read nude, garden nude, house clean nude, swim nude, then sleep nude.  You were, we all were, “born to be nude.”

To interview an AANR spokesperson, please contact Jeffrey Baldasarre: 800-879-6833 or

About AANR: For over 90 years AANR has been the preeminent authority and voice in North America, staunchly protecting the freedoms and rights of those who participate in wholesome, family-style nude recreation. Socially, AANR encourages Nakation℠ vacations as healthy, eco-

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About AANR:
For 90 years AANR has been the preeminent authority and voice in North America, staunchly protecting the freedoms and rights of those who participate in wholesome, family-style nude recreation. Socially, AANR encourages Nakation℠ vacations as healthy, eco-friendly, transformational travel experiences; while AANR’s membership demonstrates conclusively that life is enhanced by the naturalness of social nudity. From exercise to relaxation, a person’s physical, spiritual, and mental well-being is enriched through nude recreation and slumber. AANR supports over 180 chartered clubs, resorts, and campgrounds (and is growing), and serves more than 30,000 members and 52 million skinny dipping enthusiasts throughout the U.S., Canada, and internationally. For more information about AANR and for facts related to nude recreation, visit or call 1-800-TRY-NUDE (879-6833). To receive information on upcoming news and events, sign up for our newsletter here.

Media Contact:
Mary Jane Kolassa
Public Relations Consultant
Phone: (407) 463-0040